Building sustainable wealth is the main focus here at Wealth Builders HQ.  Rob Roy, founder of Wealth Builders HQ, continually encourages students to write down a trading plan and a business plan for your trading business as an important part of wealth building.

Another important factor of wealth building is the team you build. What does that look like?

  1.  Legal. You need a good lawyer to help answer questions, educate you about proper entity structuring for asset protection and tax obligations.
  2.  Accountant. You need a good accountant to answer questions and guide you through the various ever-changing tax laws for traders and any other business ventures you choose.  Good records are essential for the health of a successful business.
  3.  Banker. Choose your bank wisely. You want to be able to establish a relationship with your bank so that you can get the most out of the bank products offered without excessive fees.
  4.  Insurance. We all have insurance of some kind, most personal, and some have business policies depending on your business. Insurance can be an overwhelming world and a good agent can guide you into the proper product without being over-insured.
  5. Broker. Choosing the proper broker who is customer friendly and has an easy to understand trading platform along with reasonable commissions is important.  Some brokers offer many financial products available for trading.
  6.  Financial Advisor.  Not all traders have all of their monies in a trading account and can use the education a good financial advisor provides.  Some financial advisors are also fiduciaries and have many additional financial specialties.
  7. Mentor. Perhaps this should be listed in the #1 slot.

As a wealth builder trading in the financial markets

we always need a top-notch educator and mentor. Robert Roy is a successful trader and has educated thousands of students over the past many years. Rob is interested in educating you in all aspects of wealth building. as he has done for himself. Visit Wealth Builders HQ for all upcoming classes and ongoing subscriptions to see what fits into your business trading plan.

Contact your team on a regular basis and review your wealth building progress.